Easily meeting all the criteria of the inaugural “Capture the CISO” competition, Votiro won the first round and went on to be named the series finals “grand prize” winner. All the judges agreed they experienced a “forehead slap moment,” when they saw a demonstration of Votiro Cloud’s protection against unknown zero-day ransomware and malware.
Capture the CISO is a podcast facilitating conversation among Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and cyber-security vendors. Host of the series, Johna Johnson, CEO of Nemertes, said companies presented their products and were questioned by industry peers about their cybersecurity solutions. Vendors that entered their products were judged across three variables: is it innovative; does it solve a real-world security need, and how easy is it to deploy?
Knowing what Cloud data is safe, and what is potentially malicious, is no easy task. It’s a challenge made more complex by the increasingly diverse threat landscape; especially in light of the prolific use of persistent, zero-day attacks that legacy anti-malware systems struggle to prevent. Additionally, files from 20 years ago that are archived may still contain malware or poorly structured and vulnerable macros.
Votiro’s award-winning and patented content disarm and reconstruction (CDR) technology provides proactive protection against both known and unknown threats, including the most persistent zero-day exploits.
According to the CTO and Founder of Votiro, Aviv Grafi: “We know what a benign macro looks like, so we can let that through. We then just remove anything else.” Votiro calls this approach Positive Selection Technology, because it looks for only the positive elements of files and documents.
Votiro Cloud’s API proactively disarms content without blocking files or interrupting users, enabling the seamless and instant flow of safe content and data into an organisation. “Instead of looking for bad stuff, we always deliver good, known content,” said Grafi. “By delivering only the good content we’re just keeping behind all the unknown content that may be malicious, maybe not. So, we’re not in the game of trying to guess whether this is bad or not. We’re just allowing the good content.”
Ransomware and other malware threats have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years – the most malicious of which are the work of large organised “cyber gangs” and “cyber terrorists” that are often supported by rogue nation states. They are better resourced and skilled than ever, successfully doing catastrophic harm and holding major corporations and government departments to ransom. The regular statistics of reported successful malware and ransomware attacks highlight how many legacy solutions’ technologies may now be redundant and not fit for purpose.
Senetas is a majority shareholder of Votiro and offers Votiro Cloud integration as an adjunct to its secure file-sharing and collaboration application, SureDrop.
Built from security-first principles, SureDrop delivers secure and confidential real-time collaboration, file-sharing and synchronisation of files of any type and size, anywhere. Importantly, SureDrop enables 100% control over data location, meeting customers’ data sovereignty requirements. It’s designed for organisations that have embraced remote working and take data breach concerns seriously.
Delivering all the convenience of file-sharing and collaboration that users expect and need – such as seamless integration with Microsoft 365, Outlook, Active Directory and Azure – SureDrop does so without compromising security. SureDrop is designed to provide the optimum combination of flexibility, usability and security. SureDrop is available for both large enterprise and government customers and midsize businesses and professions. It offers the flexibility of Cloud, on-premises, and hybrid-Cloud deployments.
- Experience the original podcast in this edited transcript
- Learn more about Votiro Cloud
- Learn more about SureDrop